Mental Health In The Media Good Intentions Bad Outcomes

Today's topic is gonna be about mental health and its rise in popularity across all sorts of media. Most of the articles coming out recently have been really focused on destigmatizing mental health issues, getting people to see their doctor and talk about their emotions, focusing not only on their physical health but their mental health and all of these intentions are great. But the problem is that within life good intentions don't necessarily all the time lead to good outcomes. Is mental health being destigmatized? Or are we feeling more anxiety about anxiety by constantly covering these stories, overanalyzing what Selena Gomez is feeling based on outward perceptions. A lot of my patients have been coming in, self-diagnosing themselves with a disorder when they are actually feeling normal feelings to maybe difficult situations. Some patients end up self-medicating. Medications are dangerous, they have side effects, they need to be carefully monitored. Also at times, they sel...